恭賀同學獲得英國阿斯頓大學(Aston University)雙學位接受函及留學獎學金!

英國Aston University的研究生招生負責人Alex Theodorakopoulos及東北亞地區經理Sarah於3月13日前來BIBA學程參與Meet with the Admissions活動,學生在活動中與阿斯頓大學Alex一對一訪談,並有機會於現場獲得國外大學接受函及留學獎學金信息。
在經過一個下午的面試活動之後,報名活動的六位同學順利地拿到Aston University的碩士學程接受函,更拿到該校提供的獎學金。另外還有一位同學將申請財務碩士學程,將稍晚拿到接受函。同學們將於今年(2023)7月前往英國阿斯頓大學(Aston University)就讀3+1學士碩士雙學位課程。BIBA學程恭喜每位優秀的同學並且為她們感到驕傲,也祝福她們未來在英國能夠快樂學習,繼續努力充實自己!
Alex Theodorakopoulos, Head of Postgraduate and Professional Admissions at Aston University in the UK, and Sarah, regional manager for North East Asia, came to BIBA to participate in the Meet with the Admissions event on March 13. During the event, students had a one-on-one interview with Alex of Aston University, and discussed have the opportunity to receive master program acceptance letters and scholarship on the spot.
After an afternoon of interviews, the six students who signed up for the event successfully received the acceptance letter for the master's program of Aston University, and also received the scholarship provided by the school. There is a student who will apply for a master's degree in finance and will get an acceptance letter later. The six students from BIBA program will study 3+1 Dual Degree (Bachelor+Master) in Aston University in July 2023. Congratulates every outstanding student and be proud of them. We also wish them a vigorous and fulfilling journey in the UK and continue to work hard to enrich themselves!
