



逢甲大學BIBA 大二同學許銘勝(Eugene)、林承緯(William)、黃苡綸(Elaine)、楊平業(Win)組成4Champions團隊,以及黃子耀(Leo)、吳采容(Jess)及PMP學程的王安琪(Angel) 組成40K團隊,兩隊因英語簡報比賽表現優異,而榮獲精誠資訊董事長邀請至公司發表原創簡報比賽內容及另外為精誠資訊公司製作全新版本的公司介紹,今日(2023/6/16)前往內湖精誠資訊SYSTEX總公司參賽,兩隊皆有優異表現!其中,4Champions勇奪冠軍,獲得了公司主管同仁和師長們的認可!4Chamipons以全面性的方式發表了公司未來的可能性及結合未來趨勢的優勢,而40K則是精密的計算出ESG對公司的優勢和企業結合,榮獲了亞軍。 兩隊的表現都相當的優異,同時也榮獲精誠資訊的獎學金。恭喜他們!

Congratulations to our four outstanding BIBA students: Eugene, William, Win, and Elaine, who have won the honor of "First Place Award" in a business presentation competition located at SYSTEX Corporation, Taipei. 4 Champions is their team name. They are the four individuals who bring a synergistic blend of expertise in marketing proposal development, business analysis, and presentation mastery. 4 Champions believe that with their marketing proposal, "SYSTEX is the Revolution to the World", they can enhance SYSTEX's business growth and the company's future success.In their excellent performance, they launched their proposal book and created an innovative slogan and advertisement video for the company. This captivated the audience, which resulted in winning the vote.We also congratulate to team 40K, composed of sophomore BIBA students Leo Huang and Jess Wu, as well as senior PMP student Angel Wang, won the honor of "Second Place Award" in a business presentation competition located at SYSTEX Corporation, Taipei. Team 40K list the advantages of ESG for the company and the combination it with the enterprise.



黃子耀(Leo)、吳采容(Jess)及PMP學程的王安琪(Angel) 組成的40K團隊獲得亞軍

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