恭喜 BIBA 許銘勝 Eugene 以優異的成績提前畢業!


恭喜 BIBA 許銘勝 Eugene 以優異的成績提前畢業!


恭喜BIBA優秀學生 許銘勝 同學,在努力不懈和追求卓越的精神下,不但於三年內完成大學課程,也在每學期中名列前茅,迎來了提早畢業的榮譽,且成功錄取國立成功大學碩士班!銘勝同學以卓越的成績和堅韌的毅力,為他的大學生活譜寫了光輝的一頁,這不僅是對他能力的肯定,也是對BIBA教育品質的高度讚揚。這個成功的故事激勵著全體師生,使大家堅信通過持之以恆的學習和不斷的挑戰,終將能夠實現理想,創造未來。希望銘勝同學在接下來的碩士學習和未來的職業生涯中,繼續保持這份熱情與專注,勇敢迎接每一個挑戰,成為更加出色的專業人才!

Congratulations to BIBA outstanding student, Eugene, in the spirit of unremitting efforts and pursuit of excellence, he completed university courses in three years and was up to the top of the class in each semester, finally receiving the honor of graduating early. Additionally, he also successfully admitted to the master's program of the National Cheng Kung University. With outstanding achievements and tenacity, Eugene has written a glorious page for his university life, which is not only a recognition of his ability, but also a high praise for the quality of BIBA education. This success story inspires all teachers and students to believe that through persistent learning and constant challenges, we will eventually be able to achieve our ideals and create the future. Hope that Eugene will continue to maintain this enthusiasm and focus in the next master's study and future career, bravely meet each challenge, and become a more outstanding professional!

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