




黃子耀(Leo)、吳采容(Jess)及王安琪(Angel)組成了40K隊伍,比賽中打敗 36組競爭對手拿下冠軍

許銘勝(Eugene)、黃苡綸(Elaine)、楊平業(Win)、林承緯(William)組成了4 Champions隊伍拿下亞軍,同時獲選廠商最愛獎

逢甲大學於2023年5月26日舉辦第五屆英語簡報比賽,BIBA同學組成兩個隊伍參加比賽,其中大二同學黃子耀(Leo)、吳采容(Jess)以及PMP大四同學王安琪(Angel)組成了40K隊伍,比賽中以「農純鄉」為公司主題,展現創意為公司產品製作廣告,在預賽及決賽中打敗了 36組競爭對手拿下冠軍,同時,也在賽後獲得農純鄉創辦人 周書如女士 的鼓勵,恭喜他們!!

BIBA另外一支隊伍是由大二同學許銘勝(Eugene)、黃苡綸(Elaine)、楊平業(Win)、林承緯(William)組成了4 Champions隊伍,比賽中以Quaplar Cafe 葵柏兒咖啡為目標,展現創意和概念,並為公司產品做廣告,在預賽及決賽中打敗了36組競爭對手拿下亞軍,同時獲選廠商最愛獎。更特難能可貴的是來自於不同國家(台灣、印尼和泰國),同學們靠著團隊合作及努力不懈的練習和準備,最後拿到讓BIBA師生都很光榮的成績,恭喜他們!!

Congratulations to the BIBA students won top two place in the Feng Chia University English Presentation Contest!On May 26, 2023, Feng Chia University hosted the fifth annual English Presentation Competition. A team named 40K, composed of sophomore BIBA students Leo Huang and Jess Wu, as well as senior PMP student Angel Wang, participated in the event. During the competition, they creatively presented the company "Nong Chun Xiang" as their theme, made advertisements for the company's products, and defeated 36 competing teams in both the preliminary and final rounds to win the championship.These students achieved this proud accomplishment for BIBA students and faculty through teamwork and relentless practice. Furthermore, they received encouragement from Ms. Zhou Shuru, the founder of Nong Chun Xiang, after the competition.

BIBA year2 students Eugene, Elaine, Win and Williams advertise the product from Quaplar Company with the creativity and concept. They finally defeated 36 groups of competitors to win the first runner-up award and the Company's Favorite Award. What is even more commendable is that the students from different countries (Taiwan, Indonesia and Thailand) relied on teamwork and hard work to practice and prepare, and finally got the honorable results for BIBA teachers and students. Congratulations to them!! Finally, Eugene A word from the encourage everyone to continue to work tirelessly~ Winning and losing are not everything, but the journey is everything.

Congratulations to them!

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