感謝109級畢業系友 賴怡玟Celeste返校分享到西班牙出國交換心得!!


感謝109級畢業系友 賴怡玟Celeste返校分享到西班牙出國交換心得!!


109級畢業系友 賴怡玟Celeste於2022-2023年到西班牙TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation出國交換一年,個性開朗的Celeste很快地就適應當地的生活,也交到很多好朋友。在出國交換期間順利找到工作實習機會,並於畢業後順利留任在Plimon Global Quality公司工作,目前為Business Development Asia專員,主要負責亞洲地區的業務推廣工作。Celeste於9月14日受邀返校分享出國交換心得,以下摘錄相關心得。「自己的人生,我自己決定」我衝動的個性就算是跌跌撞撞,遍體鱗傷,也要去嘗試。大一下,我就悄無聲息地搬到外面住了。生活費要自己賺,學費背學貸自己還,讀書的心力反而放在打工上,生活過得一點都不輕鬆,但我心裡很輕鬆。我在大一、大二迷失自己,家人的不支持、成績吊車尾等低潮;卻在大三面對申請國外學校時驚醒!因為我發現,身邊大家豐富的履歷、能力,還有亮眼的成績;而我,什麼都沒有。我感謝自己從未忘記想出國留學的初衷。在交換的一年中,我發現自己好渺小;身邊的同學、朋友至少會說三種語言,實習經歷不只是待過一間公司,他們對於自己的能力一直在加Buff,一張白紙的我怎麼可能打的過,我的未來在哪裡。在這一年中,徹底了解到自己一個人也可以活得不孤單,因為有更多的專業等你去學習。有句話:「在家靠父母,出外靠朋友。」如果你也想要翻轉你的人生,請選擇比你還要上進的朋友,一起成長才需要「物以類聚」。謝謝當地的朋友帶我進入他們的生活圈、創業圈,我因此得到一份實習,也順利在我畢業後轉正。這麼一逃,是半顆地球。「自己的人生,我自己決定。」人生並沒有不好,只是決定的方向沒有很好,重新調整就好。

Thank you to 賴怡玟Celeste, a graduate of the class of 2019, who returned to school and shared her exchange experience in Spain!!Class of 2019 graduate Celeste went to Spain for a year of exchange at TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation from 2022 to 2023. Celeste, who has a cheerful personality, quickly adapted to local life and made many good friends. During the exchange abroad period, she successfully found a internship opportunity and successfully stayed at Plimon Global Quality company after graduation. Currently, she is a Business Development Asia specialist, mainly responsible for business promotion in Asia. Celeste was invited to return to school on September 14th to share her experience on exchange abroad. The following is an excerpt of the relevant experience."I decide my own life"I am grateful that I never forgot my original intention of studying abroad. During the year of exchange, I found that I was so insignificant; the classmates and friends around me could speak at least three languages, and their internship experience was not just about working for a company. They were constantly adding buffs to their abilities. It was a blank piece of paper. How could I possibly survive? Where is my future? During this year, I fully understood that I can live alone and not be alone, because there are more majors waiting for you to learn.

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