專題演講-循環經濟與永續發展 Circular Economy & Sustainability


專題演講-循環經濟與永續發展 Circular Economy & Sustainability


國企BIBA學程 5/1(一)邀請東海大學國際學院永續科學與管理學士學位學程Muhammad Omar Shaikh博士到校演講,與學生分享循環經濟與永續發展的熱門議題。演講中Muhammad Omar Shaikh博士談到隨著人口增長和資源開採對環境的負面影響持續存在,“獲取、製造、浪費”的經濟模式正在迅速達到極限。相比之下,循環經濟是一種通過設計實現恢復性和再生性的經濟,旨在使產品、組件和材料始終保持最高效用和價值。本次演講將使學生了解為什麼循環經濟概念最近吸引了越來越多的全球關注,儘管循環經濟理念已經存在了很長時間。

BIBA invited Doctor Muhammad Omar Shaikh to give a talk about Circular Economy & Sustainability. As the population grows and the negative environmental impact of resource extraction continues, the "take, make, waste" linear economy model is quickly reaching its limits. The circular economy, by contrast, is one that is restorative and regenerative by design, and aims to keep products, components, and materials at their highest utility and value at all times. The circular economy philosophy is an emerging field of study that promotes a systemic, cross-disciplinary approach.

The invited talk explores how these various disciplines come together to promote a sustainable economic model. It will discuss the connection between economics and environmental sustainability and how today’s linear economy contributes to increasing stress on limited material resources. This talk will enable students to appreciate why circular economy concepts have recently been attracting increased global interest even though the circular economy philosophy has existed for a long time.


感謝東海大學國際學院永續科學與管理學士學位學程Muhammad Omar Shaikh博士擔任課程講座。(照片/BIBA提供)

Circular Economy & Sustainability演講海報。(照片/BIBA提供)

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