






逢甲大學長期推動CDIO專題式學習,融入CDIO―構思(Conceive)、設計(Design)、實施(Implement)、操作(Operate)的教學理念,由大一Freshman Project探索學習興趣,在大二至大三的核心精熟課程確保專業核心能力的培育,最後銜接到結合業界實務專題競賽的終端課程,從實務專題中導引學生運用專業知識,以團隊合作模式涵養學生解決問題、跨領域學習、溝通、創新等多元能力,進而統整學生多元適性學習發展的專業知識及競爭力。我們相信透過專題競賽,這些學生在未來無論是進一步深造還是踏入職場,都將具備更強的競爭力和適應力。

Cultivate students’ competitiveness through capstone project!!In order to integrate students’ professional knowledge of business management, the BIBA terminal course ” INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CAPSTONE PROJECT“ holds a capstone project competition with topics spanning consumer behavior, marketing strategy, human resource management, organizational behavior, investment, technology management and other topics. Through the capstone project, students are trained to present the results and contributions of the research topic in English within 6 minutes, using a simple and easy-to-understand way to let the judges know the key points. At the same time, it is paired with a poster presentation to train students on on-the-spot reactions and how to behave when challenged by the judges. The participating students said that this competition not only gave them a deeper understanding of the knowledge they have learned in the past three years, but also improved their ability to apply it in practice.

Feng Chia University officially joined the CDIO international organization in March 2017 and is committed to promoting Design Thinking + CDIO thematic curriculum design and planning. Since the 107th academic year, the department has comprehensively guided students to think, design, implement, and operate through anchor projects, in-depth projects, and cross-semester graduation projects, and cultivated students‘ professional and practical abilities. We believe that through capstone project, students will be more competitive and adaptable in the future whether they further their studies or enter the workplace.

#逢甲大學 #國際企業系 #fcubiba #cdio


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