英國University of Essex來訪並與學生深度互動座談
英國University of Essex 區域主任Samantha Look及區域資深經理Kevin Tan於3月15日前來逢甲大學拜訪BIBA學程,討論BIBA和University of Essex的擴大合作方案,包含雙邊師資短期講學、課程合作以及英國暑期營隊等合作事宜,這次的會面更強化了BIBA和University of Essex的合作。Samantha及Kevin當天更與學生分享在英國的學習心得及相關注意事項。活動當天吸引了許多正在申請學校的學生到場聆聽,且每位同學藉由分組座談跟University of Essex代表進行深度聊天,並學習到很多寶貴的知識。希望學生們可以順利申請上心儀的學校,展開3+1學士+碩士的學習生活。
Samantha Look, regional director of the University of Essex, and Kevin Tan, regional senior manager of the University of Essex, visit BIBA on March 15th to discuss the further cooperation plan between BIBA and the University of Essex. The cooperation plans include bilateral faculty short-term lectures and the summer course in UK. This meeting further strengthened the cooperation between BIBA and the University of Essex.Samantha and Kevin also shared their learning experiences in the UK with students that day. On the day of the event, many students who were applying to schools attended the event. Each student had an in-depth chat with representatives of the University of Essex through group discussions and learned a lot of valuable knowledge. We hope that students can successfully apply to the school of their choice and start a 3+1 bachelor’s + master‘s study life.
#國際交流 #逢甲大學 #國際企業學系 #雙聯學位