英國Aston University來訪並與學生深度互動良好
英國阿斯頓大學(Aston University)地區經理Sarah Tsai於3月15日前來逢甲大學拜訪BIBA學程,並舉辦了一場精彩的QA座談會。在這次QA座談會上,Sarah與BIBA學生進行了深入的互動,分享了學校的特色、文化風情以及學生生活。學生們積極發問,探討了各種議題,從學術課程到社團活動,從生活條件到留學經驗,涵蓋了各個方面。這場座談會不僅讓學生對國外學校有了更深入的了解,也為他們提供了寶貴的建議和啟發。通過與國外學校代表的互動,學生們不僅擴展了自己的視野,還學到了如何在留學生活中發揮自己的優勢,這對他們未來的學術和職業生涯都將具有重要意義。
Sarah Tsai, regional manager of Aston University in the UK, visit the BIBA program on March 15 and held a wonderful QA symposium. Sarah had in-depth interactions with BIBA students and shared the school’s characteristics, cultural customs and student life at this QA symposium. Students actively asked questions and discussed various topics, ranging from academic courses to club activities, from living conditions to study abroad experiences, covering all aspects. This symposium not only gave students a deeper understanding of partner schools, but also provided them with valuable suggestions and inspiration. Through interactions with representatives from Aston University, students not only expanded their horizons, but also learned how to leverage their strengths on the international stage, which will be of great significance to their future academic and professional careers.
#國際交流 #逢甲大學 #國際企業學系 #雙聯學位