Dare to take the first step and find a different self


Dare to take the first step and find a different self

Global Mobility

Enterprise internship go deep into the enterprise and explore yourself

The school provides many internship opportunities, regardless of the summer, winter, or academic period. There are different opportunities; and because I am a 4+1 pre-graduate student, I can only apply for a two-month summer internship due to my time limit. I am currently working at Dinghan International Engineering Co., Ltd. conduct summer internship.

In order to enhance my future competitiveness in society, I have obtained two logistics-related licenses: "SOLE-DL First Level Assistant Logistics Manager" and "Quality Enterprise Supply Chain Security Specialist".

Brilliant Blueprint: Take the first step bravely and find a different self

Because of his outgoing personality, I participated in the "First Bright Blueprint" with my classmates. During the process, I learned how to communicate with the performance content, with joys and tears. This was the first opportunity for the university to integrate with peers and win glory for the department.


Entrusted by the senior sister to participate in the "Feng Chia University First Bright Blueprint" with classmates

Cross-border communication Look at the world and see the difference

In the junior year, I had the opportunity to exchange ideas with the teachers of the department to Xiamen University of Technology. Xiamen is a fast-moving city with a successful BRT in transportation. I can’t imagine that Xiamen was a city lagging behind Taiwan ten years ago. It was progressing at the speed of light in the past ten years, and this exchange also made me feel the difference between the two sides of the strait. The humanistic differences.


In my junior year, I got an opportunity to go to Xiamen University of Technology with the head of the department.

A rich junior life, in addition to topic implementation and overseas exchanges, he also enters the department to serve teachers and students in the department, and organize various activities.

Among them, I, on behalf of the department and the department office, jointly organized the "Cross-Strait Four-University Academic Seminar", "The Transport Association of the Republic of China Annual Transport Conference and International Symposium on Academic Papers".


On behalf of the department and the department office, I will jointly organize the "Cross-Strait Four-University Academic Seminar", the "Republic of China Transport Association Annual Transport Conference and International Symposium on Academic Papers".

系學會人生 人生必經融入團隊生活

Department learns life   life must be integrated into team life

By|Department of Transportation and Logistics - Wang, Jhu-Syuan

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