美國辛辛納提大學University of Cincinnati代表來訪BIBA,強化國際交流與雙邊合作

美國辛辛納提大學(University of Cincinnati) 財務金融碩士學程Michael Neugent主任於10月3日前來拜訪逢甲大學,本校商學院江向才院長及本學程黃瓊如主任均出席本次訪問座談。Michael主任與商學院的師長們就學生培養、國際交流等方面進行了深入的交流,共同探索兩校之間的合作和交流。兩校在會談中相談甚歡且承諾後續進一步連絡,希望透過此次活動,我們的學生們將有機會到辛辛納提大學拓展國際視野,提高國際素養。University of Cincinnati 建校於1819年,位於美國俄亥俄州辛辛那提市,是一所研究類綜合性大學,也是全美第二早建立的公立大學。辛辛那提大學被U.S. News & World Report評為全美一類大學,位列於全球前200位,同時被Nation Science Foundation評為Top 25的公立研究型大學。UC連續十年被普林斯頓評為全美最佳大學之一,同時被評為投資回報率最佳的大學。這次活動展現了BIBA學程對於培育具備國際視野的經營與管理人才的承諾,學程將持續邀約國外知名大學來訪及討論國際交流合作,希望提供更多高品質的雙學位合作機會,相信這將對我們學生的學業和未來職業生涯帶來深遠的影響。
Michael Neugent, Director of MS Finance Program at the University of Cincinnati, visited Feng Chia University on October 3. Hsiang-Tsai Chiang, Dean of the College of Business, Chiung-Ju Huang, Director of Bachelor's Program of International Business Administration in English, both attended the visit. Director Michael had in-depth exchanges with teachers from the College of Business on student training, international exchanges, etc.. Director Michael and Director Huang jointly explored cooperation and exchanges between the two schools. The two schools had a great conversation during the meeting and promised to keep in touch in the future. We hope that through this event, our students will have the opportunity to expand their international horizons and improve their international literacy at the University of Cincinnati.The University of Cincinnati was founded in 1819 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. It is a comprehensive research university and the second oldest public university in the United States. The University of Cincinnati is rated as a first-class university in the United States by U.S. News & World Report, ranking among the top 200 in the world. UC is also rated as a Top 25 public research university by the Nation Science Foundation. UC has been rated as one of the best universities in the United States by Princeton for ten consecutive years, and has also been rated as the university with the best return on investment.

美國University of Cincinnati 財務金融碩士學程Michael Neugent主任與本校商學院江向才院長互贈友誼禮品