英國Aston University副院長來訪BIBA,強化合作同時與學生座談互動


英國Aston University副院長來訪BIBA,強化合作同時與學生座談互動


英國阿斯頓大學(Aston University) International in the College of Business and Social Sciences副院長Keith Schofield及東北亞地區經理Sarah Tsai於4月14日前來逢甲大學拜訪商學院及BIBA學程,Keith Schofield副院長與商學院師長們就教學、學生培養、國際交流等方面進行了深入的交流,分享了彼此的經驗和見解,共同探索加強兩校之間的合作和交流。Keith Schofield副院長更與學生分享國外學習心得及相關注意事項。同時,Sarah除了針對英國實習及獎學金詳加說明外,也對每位學生好奇的問題做出說明。相信學生們在座談會中都學習到很多寶貴的知識。本次座談會有多位的大二學生參與,相信每位學生對於明年申請出國研修更有想法與信心。

Keith Schofield, Deputy Dean of International in the College of Business and Social Sciences of Aston University, and Sarah Tsai, regional manager of Northeast Asia, visited the College of Business and BIBA program on April 14. Keith Schofield conducted in-depth exchanges with teachers on teaching, student training, international exchanges, etc., shared their experiences and insights, and jointly explored ways to strengthen cooperation between the two schools.

Keith Schofield also shared with the students the experience of studying abroad and related precautions. Sarah not only introduced the internship in UK and scholarship, but also explained the questions that each student was curious about. We believe that the students have learned a lot of valuable knowledge in the talk. Many sophomore students participate in the talk. I believe that each student will have more ideas and confidence in applying for study abroad next year.

#國際交流 #逢甲大學 #國際企業學系 #雙聯學位
