



恭喜BIBA同學獲得逢甲大學2024人文科技跨域創新實驗競賽冠軍,學程師生都為她們感到高興與光榮。BIBA大二同學吳宜玲(Angel)、謝旻蓁(Jenny)、李貞儀(Becky)、羅家瑞(Joie)、蘇姿純(Vian)成立了「AgriLearn Exchange平台」,以解決農產品剩餘的問題為主題,搭配資源分配不均和珍惜食物等教育議題,希望藉由創新的科技平台成為農夫和需求者之間橋樑,解決農產品剩餘的問題。同學們在初賽及決賽中共打敗了75組競爭對手拿下冠軍,日後更將代表逢甲大學參加競賽,與其他學校的隊伍一同較勁!期待她們獲得好成績!!


Congratulations to BIBA students for winning the championship in 2024 Feng Chia University Humanities and Technology Cross-Domain Innovation Competition. All the BIBA teachers and students are happy and honored for them.BIBA year2 students Angel, Jenny, Becky, Joie, and Vian established the “AgriLearn Exchange” Platform with the theme of solving the problem of surplus agricultural products and allocating resources. They hope to use innovative technology platforms to become a bridge between farmers and consumers. They also want to solve the problem of surplus agricultural products. The students competed with75 groups of competitors in the preliminary round and finals to win the championship. In the future, they will represent Feng Chia University in competitions and compete with teams from other schools! Hope they get good results!!

BIBA has always been committed to cultivating students‘ comprehensive quality and social responsibility. This time, students used technology to solve resource allocation problems, which fully reflects the excellent qualities and contributions of BIBA students to society.
