恭賀 同學獲得英國艾塞克斯大學(University of Essex) 獎學金!!


恭賀 同學獲得英國艾塞克斯大學(University of Essex) 獎學金!!


國企BIBA學程四名同學於今年(2022) 7月前往英國艾塞克斯大學(University of Essex)就讀3+1學士碩士雙學位課程。英國艾塞克斯大學提供每位同學全球合作夥伴獎學金 (Global Partner Scholarship),每名學生可獲得三千英鎊獎學金。我們恭喜每位優秀的同學並且為她們感到驕傲,也祝福她們未來在英國能夠快樂學習,繼續努力充實自己!


The four students from BIBA program will study 3+1 Dual Degree (Bachelor+Master) in University of Essex, UK in July 2022. University of Essex again provides Global Partner Scholarships with £2000 each to these excellent students. Congratulates every outstanding student and be proud of them. We also wish them a vigorous and fulfilling journey in the UK and continue to work hard to enrich themselves!



英國艾塞克斯大學提供每位同學全球合作夥伴獎學金 (Global Partner Scholarship)
