



感謝109級畢業系友 蔡佩璇Gricia返校分享企業實習心得!!

109級畢業系友蔡佩璇Gricia於2023年上半年在網銀國際股份有限公司實習,工作表現傑出並於畢業後順利留任在公司工作,目前為Community Specialist,主要負責的業務為社群媒體行銷策略的訂定與執行。Gricia於10月5日受邀返校分享企業實習心得,Gricia表示在實習期間學到分析目標國際市場、編輯專案社群貼文內容及美術圖發想等技能,這些技能對她將來進入社會非常有幫助,也讓她更具有競争力。網銀國際集團自2008年創立至今,本著做好遊戲的初心,以穩健紮實基礎投入專業領域,不論是自製遊戲、代理營運遊戲、應用程式開發,努力深耕,致力數位娛樂的版圖。網銀國際集團更獲得2022幸褔企業銀獎肯定。這次的返校心得分享活動為學生們提供了寶貴的機會,聆聽完成企業實習的學長姐的經驗分享。在活動中,學生們有機會提問畢業系友,並取得一些寶貴的建議。此次活動的成功舉辦,讓學生們受益匪淺,希望未來能夠繼續舉辦類似的活動,促進校友與學生之間的交流和合作。

Thanks to 蔡佩璇 Gricia, a graduate of the class of 2019, who returned to BIBA program to share her internship experience!Gricia, a graduate of the class of 2019, interned at Wanin International Co., Ltd. in the first half of 2023. She performed outstandingly and successfully stayed in the company after graduation. She is currently a Community Specialist and is mainly responsible for the formulation of social media marketing strategies. determination and execution. Gricia was invited to return to school on October 5 to share her experience in internships. Gricia said that during the internship, she learned skills such as analyzing the target international market, editing project community posts, and coming up with artistic ideas. These skills will be very useful for her to enter the society in the future.Since its establishment in 2008, Wanin International Group has been committed to the original intention of making good games and has invested in professional fields with a solid foundation. Whether it is self-made games, agent-operated games, or application development, it has worked hard to deepen its efforts and dedicate itself to the territory of digital entertainment.This experience sharing activity provides students with a valuable opportunity to listen to the experience sharing of BIBA alumni who have completed internships. During the event, students had the opportunity to ask questions from them and receive some valuable advice. The success of this event has benefited the students a lot, and we hope that similar events will continue to be held in the future to promote exchanges and cooperation between alumni and students.
