澳洲The University of Adelaide代表來訪BIBA,強化國際交流與雙邊合作


澳洲The University of Adelaide代表來訪BIBA,強化國際交流與雙邊合作


澳洲阿得雷德大學東亞地區經理 Ivan Li與本校商學院江向才院長、國際處劉霈國際長及多位師長合照

澳洲阿得雷德大學(The University of Adelaide) 東亞地區經理 Ivan Li於9月21日前來拜訪逢甲大學,本校商學院江向才院長、國際處劉霈國際長及多位師長均出席本次訪問座談。Ivan與逢甲大學的師長們就教學、學生培養、國際交流等方面進行了深入的交流,分享了彼此的經驗和見解,共同探索兩校之間的合作和交流。兩校在會談中相談甚歡且承諾後續進一步連絡,希望透過此次活動,我們的師生們將有機會到阿得雷德拓展國際視野,了解不同國家的教育環境、商業文化與經濟發展趨勢,提高其國際化素養。澳洲阿得雷德大學(The University of Adelaide)自1874年創校以來,一直是澳洲具歷史和代表性的大學之一,在2024 QS世界大學排名第89名。在各個領域中對南澳州和國家發展與繁榮皆有貢獻,澳洲數十位諾貝爾獎得獎者中有五位來自阿得雷德大學,它又曾培育出104位獲羅德獎學金(Rhodes Scholarships)的學者。

Ivan Li, Regional Manager (East and Central Asia) of The University of Adelaide, Australia, visited Feng Chia University on September 21. Hsiang-Tsai Chiang, Dean of the College of Business, Pei Liu, Dean of the Office of International Affairs, and many teachers attended the visit meeting. Ivan had in-depth discuss with teachers from Feng Chia University on teaching, student training, international exchanges, etc.. Ivan and every teachers share experiences and insights, and jointly exploring cooperation and exchanges between the two universities. The two schools had a great conversation during the meeting and promised to further contact in the future. We hope that through this event, our teachers and students will have the opportunity to expand their international horizons in Adelaide and understand the educational environment, business culture and education of different countries.The University of Adelaide, Australia, has been one of Australia's most historic and representative universities since its founding in 1874. It ranks 89th in the 2024 QS World University Rankings. It has contributed to the development and prosperity of South Australia and the country in various fields. Five of the dozens of Nobel Prize winners in Australia are from the University of Adelaide.

澳洲阿得雷德大學東亞地區經理 Ivan Li與本校商學院江向才院長互贈友誼禮品

澳洲阿得雷德大學東亞地區經理 Ivan Li於座談會後開心與大家合照
