



BIBA學程大三同學張榛迪、黃苡綸於2023/8/27代表逢甲商學院出席第七屆玉山跨視際青年論壇(Forum for Visionary Youth, FVY),並與產業卓越代表進行交流互動,展現了BIBA學生的優秀能力與社會參與度。玉山跨視際青年論壇(FVY)每年都是討論當今全球最關鍵議題的重要盛會,論壇集結來自各產業的代表和學者,今年論壇由台灣玉山科技協會 X 臺大閱人校友協會合作舉辦,以「另類思考 Think Different」為主題,探討「人工智慧時代的機遇和挑戰」。張榛迪及黃苡綸同學積極參與了本次論壇的專題演講和分組討論,並分享她們在商業和未來留學規劃方面的想法。這次參與第七屆玉山跨視際青年論壇的經歷對兩位同學來說是一個難能可貴的機會。她們不僅有機會向成功企業家學習,還能夠與其他學校代表建立關係,這將對她們未來的出國留學與職業生涯規劃有所助益。BIBA學程為這兩位代表的優秀表現感到自豪,期待她們將這次寶貴的經驗應用到未來的生涯中,繼續為社會進步做出貢獻。Chen-Ti Chang (Kelly) and Yi-Lun Huang (Elaine), third-year students of the BIBA program, attended the 7th Forum for Visionary Youth (FVY) on behalf of Business College of Feng Chia University. They interacted with outstanding representatives of the industry, demonstrating the excellent abilities of BIBA students and social engagement.The FVY is an important event every year to discuss the most critical issues in the world today. The forum gathers representatives and scholars from various industries. The forum is jointly organized by the Monte Jade Science and Technology Association of Taiwan and the Alumni Association of National Taiwan University this year. “Think Different" is the theme this year, participants discussed "opportunities and challenges in the era of artificial intelligence".Kelly and Elaine actively participated in the keynote speeches and group discussions of this forum, and shared their thoughts on business and future study abroad plans. The experience of participating in the 7th FVY is a rare opportunity for the two students. Not only will they have the opportunity to learn from successful entrepreneurs, but they will also be able to build relationships with other school representatives, which will be helpful for their future study abroad and career planning.BIBA Program is proud of the excellent performance of these two representatives, and expects them to apply this valuable experience to their future careers and continue to contribute to social progress.
