My name is Kengo Osumi from Osaka, Japan. I’m majoring in the Department ofinternational business administration in English. Back in my school years, I was studyingabroad in Minnesota, the United States for one year with the Rotary Exchange Program.Since then, I’m having a fascination with learning different cultures and languages.One of the biggest reasons to leave my country to study is very simple. While I was inJapan, friends of mine from Vietnam and Hong Kong struck up fun conversations inJapanese with me, even though their native tongues are completely different. I’ve come torealize that moment was filled with peace and mastering foreing languages helps me expandnew friendships and provide a wind of opportunity. That’s what made me impulsively headdown to Taiwan.
Studying Marketing, Accounting, Economic and other basic business knowledges forthe cosmopolitan environment
BIBA offers a variety of practical business courses such as accounting, statistics, andfinancial management in English. They also provide other English courses, which can helpyou improve on your professional writing style as well as official English proficiency exams.Interacting with students from diverse backgrounds in class gives me an insight into uniqueideas and intercultural perspectives. I believe that studying at this department will encourageyou to become a key role in this globalization.
Immersing yourself to different cultures, integrating something you love withlanguage learning
School provides a wide range of general class courses. I took Chinese calligraphy class tolearn about the beauty of Chinese characters and related to history. Also, I joined the Taijiclub, which was full of the art of Chinese thought. Improving my Chinese was the hardestpart as I was studying in an English-taught program because classmates are willing to talk tome in English. To polish up my Chinese, I proactively found language exchange Taiwanesestudents who helped teach me Chinese and now my language skill is remarkably improved.
Establish a deep bond with classmates
Through participating in the BIBA department association, I could enjoy organizing someevents, and helping out incoming students. I was given an opportunity to be one of the hostsin the Christmas party for freshmen and it was such a great experience. Associationmembers also planned some fun ideas and events, however, many of them were canceleddue to the pandemic.