Believe it or not, new chapters of life never start with the way you thought it would and that was how my journey began. My name is Rampa Trakarnwichitr and I am a student from Thailand. Currently, I’m studying at Feng Chia University. Before coming to Taiwan I used to study in India for almost ten years and the reason I chose to come to Taiwan is because I want changes in my life and to try out something different. During these past three years, University life has actually brought many changes to me as I have learned alot from it.
My major is BIBA or Bachelor of International Business Administration and over these past three years, BIBA has provided me with tons of opportunities to go out on a field trip to plenty of amazing places. Also, many interesting guest speakers were invited for a speech to educate us on different topics. For my elective class, I went to watch the classical music concert which was organised by the University and I really loved it as it was my first time listening to a live performance of classical music. The show that I enjoyed the most was a cello performance which was played on the song “Can you feel my love tonight”. In addition, there was an exhibition that will always be safe in my memory and it was the time I went to the National Taichung Theater to watch the exhibition that is the glad tiding for Christmas, it was really stunning and miraculous.
Other than this, I also applied for the APEC Yes Challenge Competition during my third year. This competition is all about introducing a product that can run with the use of clean energy to a country that is facing the problem of pollution. Through this competition, I have learned many new ways to develop a sustainable product that could help save our environment and surroundings. Moreover, I have also volunteered for beach cleaning for the Rotary Haozhan Clean Ocean Community Service Project on 19th December 2021 and also got a chance to visit the farm to see the natural way the local people adapt a method of clean energy to run their farm like producing a natural fertiliser from an animal dunk and generate the electricity through the use of solar cell.
The memory I made here is truly unforgettable and this was one of the most mesmerising moments and one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.